Single Pan Machine

12 inches diameter and thickness is 2 mm, optional rectangle PAN

Single Pan Icecream Machine

Single Pan ice cream machine is a hot selling item suitable for foods courts, Restaurants, Shopping mall, shopping complex and upmarket area. It is an urban luxury ice-cream machine. We supply most powerful (500 watt main) which reduces waiting time and machine become easy and fast to operate. (Defrost is not practical at lower power)
We have come up with the Mini Fried Ice Cream Machine suitable for home use, for food trucks which is cost efficient and also very handy in handling the machine.

Double Pan Machine

18 / 21 inches diameter and thickness is 2 mm

Double Pan Icecream Mchine

Double pan ice cream machine is suitable in places where number of customer is high for certain duration of time. A skilled chef can make around 100-120 fresh ice cream per hour using this machine.
This machine has two compressor and two pan. It is like two single pan machine put side by side. It requires 2 to 3 person to operate. It is cheaper than 2 single pan machine. Power consumption per ice-cream is similar to single pan machine.

Single Pan

Perfect for small businesses 

Perfect for events, such as wedding.

Easy to manoeuvre

 Product Specification 

Weight: Control 

Price: £2500

Double Pan

Perfect for busy shops and malls.

Easy Storage Compartments.

Splash Back.

Product Specification

Price: £4500

  • Technical Specifications

    Model No. ME 500.01
    Main Compressor Power 750 Watts (approx)
    Main Compressor Gas (Refrigerant) R404a (This is a common gas used in modern air conditioners, easy to maintain and service)
    Main Pan temperature -25˚C ~ -35˚C
    Display Pan temperature
    Toping temperature -20˚C
    Dimensions l x b x h 356 mm x 407 mm x 458mm
    Unpacked Weight 25 kgs
    PAN Diameter and Thickness 12 inches diameter and thickness is 2 mm, optional rectangle PAN
  • Technical Specifications

    Model No. ME 2200.01
    Main Compressor Power 1500 Watts (approx)
    Main Compressor Gas (Refrigerant) R404a (This is a common gas used in modern air conditioners, easy to maintain and service)
    Main Pan temperature -25˚C ~ -35˚C
    Display Pan temperature
    Toping temperature -20˚C
    Dimensions l x b x h 1066 mm x 508 mm x 813 mm
    Unpacked Weight 75
    PAN Diameter and Thickness 18 / 21 inches diameter and thickness is 2 mm